2-rooms. house for 6 guests, 80 m2

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Children Age 2 — 12
Maximum 6 guests (not counting infants)
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Minimum stay period for this ad — 1 day
Booking for one day is possible one day prior to arrival or on the day of arrival
Minimum stay for this period —
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Maximum 6 guests (not counting infants)
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per day

On the site since january 2014 Rent

Languages: Українська
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Kvartirkov. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site
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288 per day

The owner


On the site since january 2014 Rent

Languages: Українська
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Kvartirkov. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site

flat description

(Ukrainian) Є Bazhanov vіdpochiti just abo perenochuvati? Mozhlivo, abo ve podorozhuєte you vіdryadzhennya? A Mauger, vіdpochivaєte abo wants nabratisya Zdorov'ya Thermal Jerel? Wee zavzhdi can zupinitisya in the private zatishnomu budinku, yaky bude povnіstyu have vashomu rozporyadzhennі. Wee can not Til'ky vispatisya i zalishiti there svoї rechі, ale th prigotuvati їzhu for tsogo є small kitchen їdalneyu s.

Do budinku є shower, toilet i statsіonarny phone. Until your poslug televіzor s suputnikovoyu tarіlkoyu i medіatsentr. Do budinku є Central Seared, ale Yakscho wants trohi romance, you can zatopiti pіchku Stahr. And dvorі є kolodyaz, crit ekoaltanka goydalki i Zi table. Yakscho ve on mashinі, here є wide dvir de vi can її priparkuvati. Ale minutes without a car will not vi vіdіrvanі od komunіkatsіy: vsogo in dvoh hvilinah zupinka bus. In Mukachevo duzhe interesting, povnіstyu pіshohіdny center. Through Misto protіkaє rіchka Latoritsa. Bridges, parks i dіyuchy zhіnochy Monastir, all Tse Varto pobachiti. Until rechі in monastirі mozhna pіdnyatisya on nevisoku mountain panorama zvіdki vіdkrivaєtsya Chudova vsogo mista. We є de progulyatisya i scho on podivitisya, Tse older єvropeyske Misto. A dіstavshis to station, vi can vіdvіdati vіdkrity thermal swimming pool in m Beregove chi garyachі dzherela in selі Kosino Uzhgorodsky Museum staroї derev'yanoї arhіtekturi i navіt ruїni castle in tamplієrіv selі Farmgate. In bezlіch pansіonatіv of Region in cutaneous s yakih svoї tsіkavі pam'yatki: Tse i garjachego Pitney mіneralna water directly Zi sverdlovini, gіrskolizhnі pіdyomniki abo mіstsya for pіshih progulyanok on lіsu. Wie will not exactly nudguvati. However i nearby the house є on scho podivitisya. In troh hvilinah rіchka i lake in p'yatnadtsyati duzhe beautiful, visokіy Hori, castle Palanok. Potuzhnі nepristupnі stіni, glibokі rovi i pіdzemellya, muzeї suvenіri ta ... In short E garantuєmo nezabutnі vrazhennya.

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Rent terms and conditions

after 11:00
Check out
up to 10:00
Conditions of cancellation
Check-in/out terms

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